The Networking Breakfast
We’re bringing our Networking Breakfast back to its roots – based on your feedback. Get to know your peers at our chatty, conversational-style breakfast meeting with structured speed-networking available.
Start your day at Business Vision LIVE by making new contacts at our speed-networking event and build connections with peers over a delicious continental breakfast.
Meet multiple new contacts and promote your own business at our structured speed networking event – new for 2023! Much like speed-dating (although a lot less awkward!), our speed networking event will be a brilliant way to let potential clients in on what makes you & your business so unique, a chance to attract the services and solutions you’re looking for, to discover potential collaborations and partnerships, a chance to break the ice – and master that all-important ‘elevator pitch’ too.
How will it work?
It will follow a ’round robin’ format – the event leader will ring a bell to indicate the beginning and the end of each meeting. Over 25 minutes, you’ll continue to meet new connections one-on-one, until the final bell rings and 3..2..1… you’re back in the room, free to continue the exciting conversations you’ve had, reconnect with peers and enjoy the delicious breakfast spread.
Tickets cost just £27.50 + VAT
including a continental breakfast buffet
The Networking Breakfast will take place in the John Hendry building in the second exhibition hall.
Our new and improved breakfast menu will focus on fresh, lighter options like fresh fruit, yogurt and granola, warm pastries and some hot breakfast rolls on offer too.
Breakfast ticket holders are able to park (for free) on the concrete car park close to the back of the John Hendry Hall. We advise you bring your badge with you to the Breakfast, but we can easily print you a new one on-site if needed. Once breakfast has finished, you’ll be free to head straight into the main exhibition hall – no need to queue at registration!
Key timings
7:30am – 8.00am – Arrival and Breakfast is served.
8:00 – 8:15 – Welcome from Revolution Events and Derek Murphy, Cabinet Member, Economic Development, Kent County Council
8:15 – 8:30 – An introduction to speed networking
8:30 – 8:55 – Join in the speed networking event, or network at your own pace at your own table!
8:55am – Breakfast Concludes
9:00am – Main Exhibition Hall opens to attendees.